May 8, 2024

The positive attributes you should look for when selecting an attorney for your personal injury case are: experience, dedication, proven track record, & great communication. These are characteristics which lend themselves to being a great choice to represent you and your case. However, in this article we are going to discuss the four types of attorney you should avoid. Avoiding these types will save you headache and may actually result in a better outcome.

The Ambulance Chaser

The attorney who routinely scopes out emergency rooms for clients is not a good choice to represent you. They are usually bottom feeders. They don’t have enough business to stay successful so they have to stoop to this bottom rung of “marketing”. Don’t waste your time talking to them.

The Door Lawyer

This is defined as an attorney with a very small practice who accepts any type of case. This is usually the situation in a very small town. The problem with this type of attorney is that they are a jack of all trades and a master of none. Your case will not get the kind of expertise and attention it deserves if you go with one of these attorneys. It’s best to hire an attorney who specializes. For example if you live in Melbourne, FL., and are disabled from an accident, then you should hire a disability attorney in Melbourne Florida. Do not hire the “jack of all trades” attorney. You will regret it.

The Star Lawyer

This is the attorney that is on every billboard and commercial. They are rolling in the dough because they have a million dollar advertising budget. The problem is that they usually have a bunch of junior attorneys handling your case because they are too busy lunching and golfing. You probably will never actually see or meet this attorney unless they pop in for a photo shoot if you win your case, with an emphasis on “IF”. 

The Armchair Attorney

These are people you know who used to work as a paralegal, went to law school but didn’t finish, or just watch too much Judge Judy. They think they know the law and will be very convincing of it. But the advice they give you may be totally erroneous and end up costing you money. Starting down the wrong path at the start of a lawsuit is a recipe for disaster. Once you start down it, it’s hard to recover.

We hope you found this article to be informative. As always, we suggest you seek a professional attorney to advise you on all your legal matters. The perfect match does exist for your case. It’s your job to find it. Doing Google searches can be a good idea. Or reach out to someone you know who has won a similar case. If at any point you find yourself not connecting with your attorney, communicate to them that you want to seek council elsewhere and that you think it just isn’t the right fit. Don’t let them talk you out of it. Remember, they talk for a living. They have the advantage. 

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